Call for Articles: RSF Issue on Wealth Inequality and Child Development
Posted: 5/13/2019 (Conference and CSDE Research)
The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences is receiving articles for an issue on “Wealth Inequality and Child Development: New Evidence for Policy and Practice.” The issue will be co-edited by CSDE Affiliate Heather Hill, Associate Professor at the Evans School of Public Policy and Governance, and Christina Gibson-Davis, from Duke University. Prospective contributors should submit a CV and an abstract of their study along with supporting material by June 24, 2019.
Wealth inequality—the unequal distribution of assets and debts across a population—has reached historic levels in the United States, particularly for households with children. Among households with a resident child under the age of eighteen, the increase in wealth inequality has outpaced the rise in income inequality, and such households have higher levels of wealth inequality than other household types. To stimulate the academic and policy conversation on wealth inequality, this volume will examine the contours and consequences of wealth inequality for child households and for child outcomes. Our issue will feature original theoretical and empirical work that builds our understanding of the implications of wealth inequality for child development and offers insights into the most promising policies and programs to reduce wealth inequality and its potentially far-reaching effects.
Deadline: 06/24/2019
Location: Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences